Animalia Osasun saileko 2018ko argitalpenak

Ondoren 2018. urtean gure lan taldeek burututako argitalpenen zerrenda dakusazue. Hauetariko batzu, doako aldizkerietan argitaratu diranez, atxikiturik pdf-a barneratu dugu. Gainerantzekoez, interesaturik egon ezkero, lasai aski eskatu eta kopia bat emango dizuegu:

Juste RA, Vazquez P, Ruiz-Larrañaga O, Iriondo M, Manzano C, Agirre M, Estonba A, Geijo MV, Molina E, Sevilla IA, Alonso-Hearn M, Gomez N, Perez V, Cortes A, Garrido JM. Association between combinations of genetic polymorphisms and epidemiopathogenic forms of bovine paratuberculosis. Heliyon. 2018 Mar 1;4(2):e00535. (PDF)

Gonzalez-Recio O, Zubiria I, García-Rodríguez A, Hurtado A, Atxaerandio R. Signs of host genetic regulation in the microbiome composition in 2 dairy breeds: Holstein and Brown Swiss. J Dairy Sci. 2018 Mar;101 (3):2285-2292.

Arrieta-Villegas C, Perálvarez T, Vidal E, Puighibet Z, Moll X, Canturri A, Sevilla IA, Espada Y, Juste RA, Domingo M, Pérez de Val B. Efficacy of parenteral vaccination against tuberculosis with heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis in experimentally challenged goats. PLoS One. 2018 May 9;13(5):e0196948. (PDF)

Santín M, Calero-Bernal R, Carmena D, Mateo M, Balseiro A, Barral M, Lima Barbero JF, Habela MÁ. Molecular Characterization of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in Wild Carnivores in Spain. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2018 Jul;65(4):468-474.

Díez-Delgado I, Sevilla IA, Romero B, Tanner E, Barasona JA, White AR, Lurz PWW, Boots M, de la Fuente J, Dominguez L, Vicente J, Garrido JM, Juste RA, Aranaz A, Gortazar C. Impact of piglet oral vaccination against tuberculosis in endemic free-ranging wild boar populations. Prev Vet Med. 2018 Jul 1;155:11-20.

Serrano M, Sevilla IA, Fuertes M, Geijo M, Risalde MÁ, Ruiz-Fons JF, Gortazar C, Juste RA, Domínguez L, Elguezabal N, Garrido JM. Different lesion distribution in calves orally or intratracheally challenged with Mycobacterium bovis: implications for diagnosis. Vet Res. 2018 Jul 27;49(1):74. (PDF).

Arrazuria R, Pérez V, Molina E, Juste RA, Khafipour E, Elguezabal N. Diet induced changes in the microbiota and cell composition of rabbit gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 20;8(1):14103. (PDF)

Álvarez-Alonso R, Basterretxea M, Barandika JF, Hurtado A, Idiazabal J, Jado I, Beraza X, Montes M, Liendo P, García-Pérez AL. A Q Fever Outbreak with a High Rate of Abortions at a Dairy Goat Farm: Coxiella burnetii Shedding, Environmental Contamination, and Viability. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2018 Oct 1;84(20). pii: e01650-18.

Roy Á, Risalde MA, Bezos J, Casal C, Romero B, Sevilla I, Díez-Guerrier A, Rodríguez-Bertos A, Domínguez M, Garrido J, Gortázar C, Domínguez L. Response of goats to intramuscular vaccination with heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis and natural challenge. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018 Oct;60:28-34.

Fernández-Vega I, Díaz-Lucena D, Azkune Calle I, Geijo M, Juste RA, Llorens F, Vicente Etxenausia I, Santos-Juanes J, Zarranz Imirizaldu JJ, Ferrer I. Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with glial PrPRes nuclear and perinuclear immunoreactivity. Neuropathology. 2018 Oct;38(5):561-567.

Álvarez-Alonso R, Barandika JF, Ruiz-Fons F, Ortega-Araiztegi I, Jado I, Hurtado A, García-Pérez AL. Stable levels of Coxiella burnetii prevalence in dairy sheep flocks but changes in genotype distribution after a 10-year period in northern Spain. Acta Vet Scand. 2018 Nov 20;60(1):75. (PDF)

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