Animalia Osasun saileko 2016ko argitalpenak

Ondoren 2016. urtean gure lan taldeek burututako argitalpenen zerrenda dakusazue. Hauetariko batzuk, doako aldizkarietan argitaratu diranez, atxikiturik pdf-a barneratu dugu. Gainerantzekoez, interesaturik egon ezkero, lasai aski eskatu eta kopia bat emango dizuegu.

1. Arrausi-Subiza M, Gerrikagoitia X, Alvarez V, Ibabe JC, Barral M. Prevalence of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in wild boars in the Basque Country, northern Spain. Acta Vet Scand. 2016 Jan 20;58:4. (deskargatu pdf-a)

2. Arrazuria R, Juste RA, Elguezabal N. Mycobacterial Infections in Rabbits: From the Wild to the Laboratory. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2016 Jan 22.

3. Bryant JM, Thibault VC, Smith DG, McLuckie J, Heron I, Sevilla IA, Biet F, Harris SR, Maskell DJ, Bentley SD, Parkhill J, Stevenson K. Phylogenomic exploration of the relationships between strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. BMC Genomics. 2016;17:1. (deskargatu pdf-a)

4. Astiz S, Cogollos L, Loste JM, Aduriz G, Heras J, Cerviño M. Clinical picture of active bovine viral diarrhoea infection in commercial bovine productive systems. Animal Prod Sci. 2016, 57 (2): 334-337.

5. Lopes de Carvalhoa, A. Toledo, C.L. Carvalho, J.F. Barandika,L.B. Respicio-Kingry, C. Garcia-Amil, A.L. García-Pérez, A.S. Olmeda, L. Zé-Zé,J.M. Petersen, P. Anda, M.S. Núncio, R. Escudero. Francisella species in ticks and animals, Iberian Peninsula. Ticks Tick-borne Dis. 2016;7:159-165.

6. Arrazuria R, Elguezabal N, Juste RA, Derakhshani H, Khafipour E. Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Infection Modifies Gut Microbiota under Different Dietary Conditions in a Rabbit Model. Front Microbiol. 2016 Mar 31;7:446. (deskargatu pdf-a).

7. López V, Alberdi P, Fernández de Mera IG, Barasona JA, Vicente J, Garrido JM, Torina A, Caracappa S, Lelli RC, Gortázar C, de la Fuente J. Evidence of co-infection with Mycobacterium bovis and tick-borne pathogens in a naturally infected sheep flock. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2016 Mar;7(2):384-9.

8. García-Pérez AL, Oporto B, Espí A, del Cerro A, Barral M, Povedano I, Barandika JF, Hurtado A. Anaplasmataceae in wild ungulates and carnivores in northern Spain. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2016 Mar;7(2):264-9.

9. De La Fuente J, Gortázar C and Juste RA. Complement component 3: a new paradigm in tuberculosis vaccine. Expert Review of Vaccines 2016; 15(3):275-277. (deskargatu pdf-a)

10. López V, González-Barrio D, Lima-Barbero JF, Ortiz JA, Domínguez L, Juste R, Garrido JM, Sevilla IA, Alberdi P, de la Fuente J, Gortázar C. Oral administration of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis reduces the response of farmed red deer to avian and bovine tuberculin. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2016 Apr;172:21-5.

11. Barandika JF, Espí A, Oporto B,  del Cerro A, Barral M, Povedano I, García-Pérez AL, Hurtado A. Occurrence and genetic diversity of piroplasms and other Apicomplexa in wild carnivores. Parasitology Open. 2016:2e6. (deskargatu pdf-a)

12. Díez-Delgado I, Rodríguez O, Boadella M, Garrido JM, Sevilla IA, Bezos J, Juste R, Domínguez L, Gortázar C. Parenteral Vaccination with Heat-Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis Reduces the Prevalence of Tuberculosis-Compatible Lesions in Farmed Wild Boar. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2016 Jun 13. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12526.

13. Arrazuria R, Molina E, Garrido JM, Pérez V, Juste RA, Elguezabal N. Vaccination sequence effects on immunological response and tissue bacterial burden in paratuberculosis infection in a rabbit model. Vet Res. 2016 Aug 5;47(1):77. (deskargatu pdf-a)

14. Aguilar Calvo P, Espinosa JC, Andréoletti O, González L, Orge L, Juste RA and Torres JM. Goat K222 PrPC polymorphic variant does not provide resistance to atypical scrapie in transgenic mice. Vet Res 2016; 47. (deskargatu pdf-a)

15. M’ghirbi Y, Bèji M, Oporto B, Khrouf F, Hurtado A, Bouattour A. Anaplasma marginale and A. phagocytophilum in cattle in Tunisia. Parasit Vectors. 2016 Oct 20;9(1):556.

16. Juste RA, Alonso-Hearn M, Garrido JM, Abendaño N, Sevilla IA, Gortazar C, de la Fuente J, Dominguez L. Increased Lytic Efficiency of Bovine Macrophages Trained with Killed Mycobacteria. PLoS One. 2016 Nov 7;11(11):e0165607. (deskargartu pdf-a)

17. Turni C, Dayaoa D, Aduriz G, Cortabarria N, Tejero C, Ibabe JC, Singh R, Blackall P. A Pasteurella multocida strain affecting nulliparous heifers and calves in different ways. Vet Microbiol. 2016; 195:17-21.

18. Jones GJ, Steinbach S, Sevilla IA, Garrido JM, Juste R, Vordermeier HM. Oral vaccination of cattle with heat inactivated Mycobacterium bovis does not compromise bovine TB diagnostic tests. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2016 Dec;182:85-88.

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